On Saturday, March 13, an art gallery in downtown Bucharest opened a show entitled "mud&butterflies," the second personal show by artist Chioma...
The President has accepted the nomination made by the Social Democratic Party
Excerpts from some of the letters sent in by RRI's listeners
“I really enjoyed listening to this program! It was the first program Ive listened to for an extended period of time on my new radio. I would have...
Browse through the messages sent by RRI listeners
“I was very pleased to pick up your broadcast from my location in Chicago, IL, USA. It is not often that I receive a strong signal from your...
Excerpts from listeners' letters and messages
Jose Socorro Soeiro Maranhao, Brazil “Dear friends of the English Service of RRI, my name is Jose Socorro Soeiro Maranhao. Im Brazilian, 46 years...
“I am an SWL since 1989 but now I am back on the shortwaves and found your very nice signal. I really enjoy it. Juan Carlos Munoz,...
Browse through the messages sent in by our listeners
“Super clear and very easy to understand David Merrick, Breslau, Ontario, Canada “For the future I will try...
Some of the messages sent to RRI English Service...
“I started listening to RRI since December 2015, when I got a friend from Romania. I regularly tune my radio to RRI and enjoy the programs. The...
Browse through the messages sent in by RRI listeners
The Government of Romania passed on January 19, 2016 new secondary legislation on the National Asylum Law.