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April 16, 2024 UPDATE

A roundup of local and international news.


and , 16.04.2024, 20:48

IMF – The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has revised downwards the estimates regarding the growth of the Romanian economy this year, from 3.8% as estimated in October, to 2.8%, according to the latest report ‘World Economic Outlook’, published on Tuesday by the international financial institution. According to the new IMF forecasts, after an advance of 2.1% last year, the economy will grow to 2.8% this year, accelerating to 3.6% in 2025. As for inflation, the IMF forecasts that Romania will register an average annual growth of 6% this year and 4% next year, from 10.4% in 2023. Also, the IMF expects Romania’s current account deficit to remain at 7.1% of the GDP in 2024, similar to the level forecast in October and to that of 2023. Regarding the unemployment rate, the IMF estimates a level of 5.6% in 2024 and 5.4% in 2025.


Visit – The Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu and members of his cabinet on Wednesday travelled to Doha, the capital of Qatar. They are due to meet a number of high-ranking Qatari officials to discuss the consolidation of bilateral cooperation in key areas such as agriculture, transport infrastructure, new technologies and energy. An important role will be played by the dialogue between the business communities from the two states and the talks on the organization of a future business forum. The Prime Minister Ciolacu is accompanied on his trip by the ministers of foreign affairs, transport, economy, energy, agriculture and digitalization. After Qatar, the government delegation will travel to the United Arab Emirates.


Miners’ riots – The former Prime Minister Petre Roman and the former Deputy Prime Minister Gelu Voican Voiculescu can be criminally investigated in the 1990 Mineriada – Miners’ riots file, after President Klaus Iohannis approved, on Tuesday, the prosecutors’ requests to start the criminal prosecution of the two officials for crimes against humanity and sent the requests to the justice minister. In the same file, President Klaus Iohannis approved, also this month, the criminal prosecution of the former head of state Ion Iliescu, accused of giving the order for the forced evacuation of the demonstrators from the University Square in Bucharest. The three were at the helm of the country during the Miners’ riots in the period June 13-15, 1990, when demonstrations against the government were violently repressed by law enforcement, with the help of miners called from Jiu Valley. Four people were shot dead, and over 1,000 others were injured.


Tennis – The Romanian tennis player Sorana Cîrstea was defeated by the Chinese Qinwen Zheng, 6-2, 6-3, on Tuesday, in the first round of the WTA 500 tournament in Stuttgart (Germany), with total prizes worth about 800,000 dollars. Cîrstea, ranked 29th in the WTA ranking, played her first match on clay this year. Another Romanian, Gabriela Ruse, will play, on Wednesday, against the Japanese Nao Hibino, in the first round of the WTA 250 tournament in Rouen (France), with total prizes worth over 230,000 Euros.


Art – The Romanian Culture Minister, Raluca Turcan, on Monday started a five-day visit to Italy, in the context of the 60th edition of the Venice Art Biennale. The agenda of the visit included participation in the opening of the exhibition ‘What Work Is’ by Şerban Savu, presented at the Romanian Pavilion within the Biennale, as well as participation in the New Gallery of the Romanian Institute of Culture and Humanistic Research in Venice.


Schengen – The Romanian Interior Minister, Cătălin Predoiu, said on Tuesday, in Bucharest, that in the Schengen history, there is no example, to his knowledge, in which a state was left with only part of its borders in the free travel area. He made these statements after a meeting with his German counterpart Nancy Faeser. “We believe that history will be confirmed this year, in 2024, and Romania will complete this file with the support of the member states, the Commission and in good cooperation with Austria,” the minister pointed out. Cătălin Predoiu mentioned, in context, that Romania has met the technical criteria for joining the free travel area for 14 years. In turn, Nancy Faeser reiterated Germany’s support for Romania’s accession. We continue to support Romania’s full accession to the Schengen area with land borders as well. Schengen is an important achievement of our European project. Now it is very important to show solidarity and strength’, the German official emphasized.


Talks – The Romanian Defense Minister, Angel Tîlvăr, on Tuesday had a meeting in Bucharest with the US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, James O’Brien, during which he highlighted the need to strengthen NATO’s presence on the entire flank eastern. The Romanian minister reiterated his firm commitment to consolidating and strengthening the bilateral strategic partnership. The two officials also discussed Ukraine’s European path and the continuation of international support for Kyiv. (LS)

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