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May 22, 2024

A roundup of the main local and international news


, 22.05.2024, 14:20

BSDA Romanian Prime Minister, Marcel Ciolacu, on Wednesday said there are prospects for the Romanian defence industry to conclude impressive contracts of billions of Euros. Attending the international exhibition Black Sea Defense and Aerospace in Bucharest, the Prime Minister said this is the biggest event devoted to the defence industry in the Black Sea region. The presence of 400 companies from 31 countries here proves the importance of this event, Ciolacu went on to say. All the five operational fields are being represented, the land, air, naval, cyber and space and the event’s main attraction is the multi-role F-35 jet fighter, the US Navy has for the first time brought to an exhibition in Europe. The event is proposing to identify opportunities and find cooperation solutions both in terms of production and the business field contributing to the international promotion of Romania’s Defence industry.


WAGES The government in Bucharest intends to raise the salaries of some categories of state employees by 10 percent this year in two equal installments. A draft ordinance on the issue has been put up for debates by the Labour Ministry. Some of the state employees who are to benefit the measure have recently staged protest rallies, but Prime Minister Ciolacu yesterday explained the budget did not allow for more pay raises. Those to benefit the aforementioned measure are employees from various cultural institutions, of the trade registry, the diplomatic field, the defence industry, of mayor offices and other institutions funded from the government’s and Parliament’s own sources.


FESTIVAL The International Theatre Festival ‘Shakespeare’ continues in Craiova, south-western Romania with a new series of theatre shows, multi-media installations, outdoor film screenings, book launches and round table talks.  ‘Macbeth’, brought by the Theatre without Name based in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, and the ‘Twelfth Night’ directed by Andrei Serban at the state theatre in Constanta are the festival’s main events today. Shakespeare village, a British village from 16 hundred build from scratch on the local hippodrome is the venue for scores of concerts and shows, while the Craiova Promenade is hosting the Shakespeare Dimension cube, providing a virtual immersion into the Shakespearian world. At its thirtieth edition this year, the aforementioned international event consists of 300 shows and events bringing together some of the world’s most famous directors and actors such as Robert Wilson, Declan Donnellan, Peter Brook or Robert Lepage.


VISIT Romanians will be able to travel to Turkey without passports only with their ID cards, Turkish president Tayyip Recep Erdogan decided during the formal visit Romania’s Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu paid to Ankara. The Romanian Prime Minister participated together with president Erdogan in the first joint session of the two governments, when they decided that Romanian farmers may resume the export and transit of meat through Turkey. Also high on the talks agenda were the extended cooperation in the fields of defence and energy.




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