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Imane Elonen – Let’s Talk about Children

A talk with Imane Elonen from the University of Turku, Finland, at the kick-start event on the implementation in Romania of Let's Talk about Children (LTC),a short evidence-based child-centered psychosocial intervention to promote mental health of children and prevent intergenerational transmission of problems by identifying strengths, resources and everyday solutions for children, parents, and their social network. LTC can be provided by a range of health, social care and education professionals

Imane Elonen – Let’s Talk about Children
Imane Elonen – Let’s Talk about Children

, 27.03.2024, 18:54

RadioRomaniaInternational · Peple and Places – November 6, 2023
NDI Program Manager Nicole Patrick
People and Places Tuesday, 18 June 2024

NDI Program Manager Nicole Patrick

In the aftermath of the elections that have been held in Romania recently, a survey was conducted on the political participation of the Roma...

NDI Program Manager Nicole Patrick
Bărăgan – luogo delle deportazioni comuniste
People and Places Tuesday, 04 June 2024



foto /SAC și Forumul Cultural Austriac
People and Places Tuesday, 07 May 2024

Sabine Fellner

Romania’s capital Bucharest is hosting in two different spaces the exhibition Touch Nature, an artistic radiography of the effects of human...

Sabine Fellner
People and Places Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Dumitru Marinescu Bragadiru

RadioRomaniaInternational · People and Places – April 23,...

Dumitru Marinescu Bragadiru
People and Places Tuesday, 09 April 2024

Arethia Tatarescu

Arethia Tatarescu was a remarkable figure whose influence extended far beyond her own lifetime. Her tireless advocacy for education, women’s...

Arethia Tatarescu
People and Places Tuesday, 26 March 2024


Today’s edition features Learnity, a environment especially created for high-school students to complement what they’ve learnt in the formal...

People and Places Tuesday, 12 March 2024

People and Places

Famous castles such as Peles, Bran or Corvin have for long now attracted many tourists from all over the world. Romania boasts a large number of...

People and Places
People and Places Friday, 01 March 2024

Photographer Joel Santos


Photographer Joel Santos


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