A delightful new experience for the people of Bucharest
The record was awarded for the Vlaicu Voda show by Alexandru Davila
A few colored stains on a sheet of paper could be start of a complex painting
“One day can change your whole life!” This is the motto of this year’s Global Wellness Day or the International Wellness Day in Romania. First...
“Book at the Metro and “Book of Triumph are events held in Romania this year to encourage reading.
In the business language a unicorn is a startup company valued over 1 billion dollars
The Anti-Instagram Exhibition is the result of a teaching exercise of documentation using photography, film and drawing.
An initiative aimed at involving citizens to care more for their green areas
According to Romanian tradition, Dragobete is a 'living human being, half man half angel', a young man, handsome and immortal. He freely...
Participants learn how to survive at extremely low temperatures in a structure made up of snow
A look back at the most important moments in our show in 2018
A very successful education project